Saturday, October 22, 2011

8 Legged Fun

We have had a few weeks filled with spiders! Spider art, spider writing, spider science, spider reading, tons of SPIDERS!  It has been so much fun watching our students discover how great informational texts can be.  We definitely have a few blooming arachnologists roaming our hallowed halls.    
For art, Ericka taught a few art techniques using patterning, growing patterns symmetry and a spider web.  
She found the idea for this project at:

We have all been using the Halloween Unit that Rachelle from "What The Teacher Wants" created.  Seriously folks, it is awesome! Our students have amazed us with all of the information they have absorbed.  Here are some student writing samples:
That's "8 eyes" not "8 exes", funny stuff!
Tina used Deanna Jump's Spiders Unit in science.  Students were overheard explaining to those who hadn't been to our science rotation that they would be drinking SPIDER VENOM!! Haha!  They loved it so much and learned tons!
For some extra fun, here are some cute bulletin board ideas we created from our experiences with our 8 legged friends!


  1. Thanks so much for the shout out! I am so glad you used the spider writer! :) I am following ya'll now! :)

  2. Adorable! Thanks for the shout out! I really love how you display their work!

  3. So cute! Did you draw the back outline for the spider webs or did the kids use rulers?

  4. Thanks a bunch for the shout out! I love your blog!

  5. Caroline-I drew the black X with a line through it (kind of a line/star). Then we talked about how a spider builds the web starting in the middle and it is like a growing pattern getting a little bit bigger each time. I read a section of a spider book that talks about how webs are made. They drew the spiral lines but I explained that each line had to connect to the next (so that it would work for their color pattern/they tried an AB or ABC pattern going around and going outward). Some turned out great, some so-so but they all loved the 'process'. About a 30 minute art lesson.
    Thanks for the comments everybody!

  6. Thanks for the extra explanation on the art lesson! That's what I was going to ask for but then I saw you'd already added it!
