Thursday, April 19, 2012

When We Learn We Grow

Don't worry, we're still alive.  It has been a crazy month. The countdown has begun (30 days) and boy are we feeling the end of the year (and so are the kids).  I've had a bare bulletin board for an embarrassingly long time, but I've finally filled it and with one that can last the rest of the year.  
We brainstormed a TON of things that we have learned in first grade.  I was amazed at what they remembered.  Turns out they've been listening all along:) Then the kids made these flowers with a few things they've learned on the petals.

They did such a good job and it was so fun to look back at everything we've learned this year.


  1. Your blog is so cute! Thanks for all the ideas. I just started one and need help getting it our there. If you could visit it, that would be great.

    Lohren Nolan

  2. REALLY CUTE IDEA!!!!! Love it, Kasey! BTW, I've missed you guys!
