Friday, July 8, 2011

First Homework/Show and Tell Idea

Ericka mentioned in a previous post that we are lucky enough to have a day to meet our little first graders on an interview day. This happens on the first regular school day but our little ones only have to come for 10 minutes for an individual appointment. I really think that it helps them not feel so scared about all the big changes that are awaiting them in first grade. We give the parent(s) our disclosure, a student planner and various other beginning of the year notes. We give the first grader a simple homework/show and tell assignment. Here is an example of that:

Thanks for reading!


  1. Don't you just love the first day interviews? Love it! Are you guys annoyed that I comment on everything you post? HA! :)

    P.S. I'm loving that idea! I do a "me sack" for the VIP {star student} of the week, but I love this printable!!!!

  2. i'm so happy to have found your blog!!! :)


  3. Thank you for sharing! We have a 1st grade orientation the week before school starts, but I would love to have one-on-one interviews instead!
